What ~> pod file

Well, ~> (the optimistic operator) is used when you want to specify a version ‘up to next major | minor | patch‘. For example:

~> 0.1.2 will get you a version up to 0.2 (but not including 0.2 and higher)

~> 0.1 will get you a version up to 1.0 (but not including 1.0 and higher)

~> 0 will get you a version of 0 and higher (same as if it was omitted)

where 0.1.2 would mean ‘I want this exact version’


Removing pod libraries from source control

  1. Remove pod libraries from source control
    1. Remove pod libraries from source control
    2. add gitignore /Pods
    3. Even if you remove the files, the files that were pushed and changed before adding to ignore are kept under tracking
      1. git rm -r –cached .
        1.  https://git-scm.com/docs/git-rm
        2. -r: Allow recursive removal when a leading directory name is given.
        3. –cached: Use this option to unstage and remove paths only from the index. Working tree files, whether modified or not, will be left alone.
          1. https://backlog.com/git-tutorial/kr/intro/intro1_4.html
      2. git add .
      3. push the change
  2. Others when pull the change
    1. remove Pods folder
    2. pull the change
    3. pod install -repo update