How to use previews of SwiftUI with UIKit easily

Use UIViewPreview which implements UIViewRepresentable ⬇️

final class ProfitStatusStockCell: UICollectionViewCell {

import SwiftUI
struct ProfitStatusStockCell_Preview: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        UIViewPreview {
            let view = ProfitStatusStockCell()
            let viewModel = ProfitStatusStockModel(image: RoundLogo.Image(nil, placeholder: .stock), title: "카카오", value: "-28,765원", percent: "(-0.43%)", trend: .down)
            view.viewModel = viewModel
            return view.withContentSize(.init(width: 303, height: ProfitStatusStockCell.height))

        UIViewPreview {
            let view = ProfitStatusStockCell()
            let viewModel = ProfitStatusStockModel(image: RoundLogo.Image(nil, placeholder: .stock), badgeImage: .image(Asset.Icons.icExchangeUpbit12.image.withRenderingOriginal), title: "카카오", value: "-28,765원", percent: "(-0.43%)", trend: .down)
            view.viewModel = viewModel
            return view.withContentSize(.init(width: 303, height: ProfitStatusStockCell.height))