key bindings

  1. Mac
    1. Finder
      1. command up arrow
      2. show all hidden files: shift command .
    2. Notes
      1. Paste without formatting: Option+Shift+Command+V
    3. switch between windows on same application
      1. command `
  2. Android Studio
    1. Refactor|Rename
      1. up arrow F6
    2. avoid escaping backslashes in your regular expressions
      1. Start typing a regular expression, then press ⌥⏎ and choose Edit RegExp
      2. press to close the regular expression editor
  3. chrome
    1. command shift backspace: clear browsing history
    2. command shift N: incognito mode
    3. opt command I: developer tool
  4. xcode
    1. selecting all of them and pressing Control-I.
    2. 컨트롤 + 커맨드 + 좌우 화살표 : 이전/이후 페이지 이동

      출처:기본-단축키-맥-단축키 [GeekCoders]

    3. editor간 포커스 전환: 컨트롤 + option (shift) + ₩
    4. area간 포커스 전환: command + option (shift) + ₩
    5. Find call Hierarchy: command control shift H
    6. editor show document items(like functions): control 6
    7. jump to definition: J control command